The ELY Program offers a variety of services to young adults who are motivated to learn job skills. The following are some of the job and career related services you can access for free through ELY:
- Work Readiness Training
- Financial Literacy Training
- Customer Service Training
- Career and Education Exploration
- Job Search Assistance
- Career Coaching
- Resume Writing
- Interview Preparation
- Assistance enrolling in apprenticeship programs
- Assistance to apply to college or advanced training
- Much More!
The ELY Program also offers a variety of other job search, career and education related services to help you succeed on your career path. They include, but are not limited to:
- High School Graduation and GED Support
- Tutoring
- Internships
- On the Job Training
- Job Shadows
- GED Preparation
- Occupational Skills Training
- Rethinking Careers Training
The ELY Program is comprised of the following major components:

Job Readiness Skills Training
With ELY, you learn the job skills employers have identified as most important in the workplace; customer service skills, effective conflict resolution and problem solving, teambuilding and effective communication. Develop your workplace soft-skills and essential skills and learn how to successfully interview to get the job you want! Learn More

Career Exploration
Have you decided on the career that’s right for you? Career exploration helps you explore the many jobs, industries and trades that are growing and in demand. It also helps you to identify the education or training you will need to pursue the career you choose. Labor market information, industry tours, career guest speakers, job shadows and volunteer experience in local businesses can help you decide your career path. Learn More

Financial Literacy
Delivered in partnership with Oregon State Credit Union, Creating a Strong Financial Foundation is the ELY component to help you develop your financial literacy skills. Learning about checking and savings accounts, how to create and balance a monthly budget, and developing the skills to manage your money are essential tools for all young adults entering the workplace. Learn More

Work Experience
Work experience allows you to put theory into practice; you immediately start to use the customer service training and workplace skills you learned in job readiness skills training. A 200 hour work experience internship in a local business or non-profit will help you develop your job skills, help you build your resume, gain experience and make contacts for future references! Learn More